It’s so much fun to put a creative twist on a painting! I’ll show you how to put a twist on Starry Night so you can paint your own along with me!!
Invite a family member to paint along with you like I did. I was lucky enough to have my daughter Emily home from college. She was excited to paint this with me for Tuesday night paint nights that I host on my Facebook business page every week. Join us anytime you’d like right here.
I’ll give you the supply list and step by step instructions that I used to create this painting. Remember you can get creative. You don’t have to use the same exact paints or surface that I did. If you have a craft closet in your house, just grab what you can from there!
I painted on multi-media paper (because I do a ton of paintings) but you can use canvas or even cardboard to practice at home.
Sm Round, ¾”flat, ½”flat, ½” bristle, detailed
Black ,white, purple, orange, pink, green, blue, yellow, red (I'm painting with acrylic craft paints).
11x14" multi media paper
Paper towels, jar with water & palette (I used a styrofoam paper plate).
*Optional, if you would like the tracer I have it in my free group on Facebook called Creative Dreams. You can get it here.
*black & round outline cypress tree & bottom 2 mountain lines.
*purple & round, outline 2 s winds & top mt line.
*round & orange paint circles for moon & stars
*¾” flat & pink fill in wind & top mountains
*½” flat & pink fill in bottom land
*same brush & dark purple fill in middle mountains
*fill in sky with light purple using first the ¾ brush & then get close around stars etc with the round brush
*round & black make fire strokes on cypress tree (refill in outline if needed)
*light purple with dab of red on round make dashes on bottom half of first hill (by sky)
*bristle & light purple put sporadic dabbs around bottom land.
*do same as above but with dark purple and focus more on top part of land & center where village will be.
*round brush & dark pink on top mountains, around bottom s & around moon & stars.
*round & black dashes on purple mountains, village & hay bails
*round & light green, tree, purple mountains & village
*orange & round, tree, go over stars & moon, village house lights only
*round & light yellow, moon, tree, dots in village windows, hay bales & stars
*round & light purple, wind & purple mountains.
*round & dark blue, sky, village & hay bails
*round & light blue fill in tree, a bit in sky, a bit in village, hay bails & dark mt.
*round & drk purple fill in village, in between hay bails & sky
*round & medium shade of pink in wind & first hill (skyline)
*round & white, clouds
*black & liner church cross
Here's the video from paint night so you can go step by step with Emily & I.
Here's the quick version from my YouTube.
I hope you had TONS of FUN painting this! I would love to see your version!! Tag me on Instagram @amyparkerart
~Keep on Creating~