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Website Gallery Course

Sign up now HERE for only $197! This is your amazing discount for being a Creative Warrior! That's half off the regular price!!

(This is now a Self Study course)


Get ready to soar to the next level by discovering how to build your own website gallery for your ARTWORK!! 

After purchasing through PayPal you will be directed to the thank you page with your next steps. If you don't see it automatically, hit "Back to Merchant".

If you need further assistance please email me at:  

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This is an 8 week self study course.

Some students complete our course faster and some slower. Go at your own pace.

Discover how to;

*Set up your own FREE Wix website with a Gallery of your art!

*Collect and send emails to people who Love your work!

*Create a landing page!

*Create a your own free gift to collect emails!

Amazing BONUSES to up-level your online art business even MORE...

Discover the basics on how to use;




*Form Submissions

And even organize digitally with *Trello!

You might find this video helpful HERE

Yes we have saved and recorded all Zoom meetings, Q&A's and tech help.

I literally walk you step by step through this entire course!

You also will receive step by step written instructions, per module, that you can keep forever!!

Why I'm so Excited...

You're getting ready to embark on a journey that will turn you into a smart artpreneur!

You're going to discover things within yourself, you wondered if you could ever do and make it your REALITY!!

You're about to change your life and gain knowledge that will last a lifetime!

PLUS you'll save a bucket load of money! Hiring a web developer, designer would cost you between 2 to 6k!!!

I'm giving you the tools you need to create your business how YOU want and on YOUR schedule.

Grab your course HERE Now and gain more clarity, direction and momentum.



-Save Money THOUSANDS! No need for a web developer, designer or VA fees! Plus you get $200 OFF this course just by being a Creative Warrior member!

-Save Time Yes! It's a go at your own pace course. Learn 15min a day, 3hrs or whatever you want. It's your choice and on your schedule!

-Relief what a GREAT feeling to do your own updates and not have to rely on a web developer!

-Knowledge yes! You're going to learn some savvy online business skills for your art business!

-Professional you will look, feel and be more professional! We all love to create but how many artists do you think are proactive about growing their businesses? NOT MANY. You will be WAY AHEAD of the game!!

Grab your course HERE Now and gain more clarity, direction and momentum.


Here's what some of our Students have to Say...

Here's what some of our Students have to Say...

Q, Are there any hidden fees?

A, No. This course shows you how to set up and use the free versions. You can upgrade at anytime but only if and when you want.

Q, How long will I have access to the course?

A, Forever! Take a refresh whenever you'd like.

Q, I understand this course is a self study. What happens if I get stuck?

A, We have a monthly question thread inside of our Facebook group! The trainings are very comprehensive including all of the past Q&A's, Zoom tech helps and brainstorm sessions. Plus you can ask for an accountability partner inside of our group. (You can always email Amy at:

Q, Is there a written form of this course I can print out?

A, Yes!

Q, Is there a guarantee and refund policy?

A, Yes! If you decide within 7 days it's not for you we will refund your money. Amy guarantees this course is helpful, instructional and designed in a step by step way to get you results.  


Q, Is there a payment plan?

A, Yes! If you need to set one up please email Amy at:

Does this sound like you?...

 I sold my art pieces for many years before I even thought about getting a website to display my art. It wasn't until I started posting on Facebook that people started to ask if I had one.

It was kind of embarrassing to say "No" and I felt a bit unprofessional.

 When I investigated what this would cost to have a developer create one I was really bummed out. I couldn't fit that into my budget. I was actually shocked at the cost! 

I felt kind of hopeless, like it would never happen.

 I spoke to one of my husbands friends who said he would give me a deal. The quoted price was still not within my reach.

 I also discovered something, I didn't understand the tech language he was speaking. I thought to myself...

 If I can't even speak the same "tech" language and I dish out all of this money how am I going to have a site I want? I'd also have to rely on him to upload new paintings into my gallery. He seemed busy and I wasn't a real priority. 

This made me nervous. Somehow, I'd have to just figure it out.

 Guess what... I did! Now I can teach it to you!!

In easy terms, basic foundations for a tiny pinch of the price!

You've got this! I'll help you! Let's do this NOW!!

Sign up HERE

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